Taxes, Accounting or the Beach?

Here’s a spot of humour on this snowy day in Ottawa. We’ve had a couple of feet of snow in the last 24 hours and while it’s beautiful to look at from indoors, the roads are a horrid mess and I’m very happy to be back home!

Yet business must go on, so we clear the endless snow while thoughts of sunshine and beaches come to mind.  With the snow banks taller than I am, it seems like the perfect day to share this image as we head into tax season.

Contact Mary Pougnet for your accounting, bookkeeping and tax needs.

“Relax ~ leave the taxes and accounting to us.”  I invite you to “Relax” and contact me through the contact page on my website or visit my Facebook page 

Send us an email to get started now, click here.

What would you rather do?  Taxes, accounting or head to the Beach?  Go ahead, relax … leave the taxes and accounting to us.